Reaction training early access!

The new REACTION training unit is online!

Reaction is a training unit to train your reaction, endurance, speed, coordination and techniques.
There is a combo training, random training and defense training.

The training position can move to different positions in order to practice positioning, realignments and estimate the distances. You see the yellow indicator in front of you, that’s the front.
The target objects can be beaten by fists, elbows, feet or knees. Defense objects can be avoided or blocked with fists, elbows, feet or knees.

There are many options to set up your own training, they can also be saved as a member. Also you can add your own playlist.

Various settings offer you a customized training, as well as ready-made training settings and combinations for different levels of difficulties.

You can set a fix or a random number of targets, also a minimum/maximum targets per round and the target size. You can choose, if there should be rounds without any targets, if the kick targets should be bigger or having the same size as the punch targets. You can select, if you only can beat with the correct fist or beat with everything or random choice. You can set the balance of left/right targets and the balance for fist/feet. Set the time how fast new targets should appear. You can set whether the targets should appear all at once or one after the other or as the pre-made combos. You can acitvate the indicator for the beat direction on targets. Turn Punch line/effects and Kick line/effects on.
Choose if the training position should move and how fast the movement should be and also if there should be a rotation and which maximum rotation it should have. Set the ratio of how often the training position should move and if there should be displayed a help indicator.
Choose if defense should be enable, set the movement speed and the defense/target balance. Set the balance of the defense objects (barrier/fists) and how fast new defense objects should appear. Choose if you can block the defense objects with fists, elbows, feet and knees. You can set if only defense objects should appear. You can activate the defense attacks and set the balance of how often defense attacks should appear.

Try it out now and punch some targets!


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